C-Suite GenAI Agenda

How to Empower GenAI Leaders and Practitioners

By David H. Deans

Now the adoption of your Generative AI game plan is in motion. Your organization has taken a bold step in establishing a GenAI Polymath leadership role. And, you have followed the outline and implemented the CEO GenAI Playbook. To gain the full potential of this innovative approach and ensure your champion delivers meaningful digital business growth, the C-suite must now consider several key areas.

Essential Next Steps for the C-Suite Members

Strategic Alignment and Goal Setting

Enabling Environment and Resource Allocation

Performance Measurement and Learning

Communication and Change Management

By proactively addressing these areas in your agenda with specific actions, the C-suite can empower the GenAI Polymath to maximize the transformative potential of Generative AI, guarantee the required skills attainment or knowledge transfer, and drive substantial digital business growth for your organization.

Now you're ready to develop and apply our framework for building a portfolio of GenAI Use Cases.

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